

Photo: Rasmus Kirkelökke Svane Opening reception: 06.04.2024 at 16:00 Augustenborg_Project, Galleri Christoffer Egelund and The Embassy of Iceland proudly present HUMAN by the Icelandic sculptor Steinunn Thórarinsdóttir. Steinunn Thórarinnsdóttir’s life-size sculptures of anonymous human figures elicit an immediate feeling of recognition in us. They represent a general humanity – they are all of us and […]

Group Show – From the Inside Out

The exhibition, curated by Claire Gould, formerly Curator at the Helsinki Art Museum, embraces both what is inside of us and outside, and addresses how things are not necessarily as they seem but shrouded in emotions, or by situations, materials and conditions.   FROM THE INSIDE OUT plays on the layers of perception, history of […]


Curated group exhibitionOpening reception: Saturday June 4th 14.00-17.00Exhibition period: June 4th – July 28th Exhibition artists: Andreas RasmussenAnnelie BernerAntoaneta TicaFunda Zeynep AygulerHelena PermingerKate SkjerningMaria Castellanos & Alberto ValverdeMartina HindbergMira FriedrichPutPutRune BeringSophie FiltenborgUlrika Jansson Sustainability is all things to all people. To some it is a buzzword, to others a creed and way of life. The […]


SERGEI_PROKOFIEV“Art for me is a form of resistance. Having no activist inclinations, I often act in the territory of politicized art. I want art to arise from the tension between my work and the viewer’s perception and not let him or her go like a bare wire accidentally grasped.” Born in 1983 in Moscow, Russia. […]


After Nobody’s Dream, Francesco Pirazzi’s 2021 solo exhibition at Augustenborg_Project, which presented over twenty paintings, the artist returns to the source of his inspiration. The Als landscape, which he contemplated over the course of his 2021 residency, became so dear to Pirazzi that he produced multiple studies and sketches, the basis of the paintings now […]


Exhibition period 6th August – 28th October 2022 Press Preview and Opening – 6th August 2022 15.00-17.00 “And that was your soulThe only thing you’ve got And your soul, well, it represented the mindThe mind at present without lightAnd there was nothing to reflect, no mirrors, no shapeNothing to fix this particular dream And you’ve got no anchorsYou don’t know where you areYou don’t […]


Solo Exhibition by SIIKU

Solo Exhibition by SIIKU Opening reception Saturday June 11th 14.00-17.00 In Imprint, SIIKU’s new solo exhibition for Augustenborg_Project, the Danish/Greenlandic artist duo focuses on the human imprint upon nature in the context of the current challenge of the climate crisis. For Imprint, SIIKU takes inspiration from biomimicry (biomimetics) and using prints of ice blocks with […]

FENCES_ René Sascha Johannsen

René Sascha Johannsen Solo Exhibition // Opening hours Wed-Friday 11-16 and Sat-Sun 11-17 Special Guest Opening and Press Preview: 19th March 2022 14.00 – 17.00 Augustenborg_Project is proud to present FENCES – an exhibition of still photography and short film through which René Sascha Johannsen explores the triumph of the human spirit over the limitations of the physical […]

Niels Reumert – Wild Animal a retrospective

No one confronts his demons as kindly as Niels Reumert does, remarked an art collector during the artist’s exhibition in London in 2010. Niels Reumert’s career spans five decades in which he has explored his demons unapologetically, in a way so few of us dare to do. This is perhaps one of the reasons why […]


Som gæst i Augustenborg_Project er er din sundhed og sikkerhed i højsædet og vi følger således alle retningslinjer og anbefalinger i forhold til forebyggelse af Covid-19. Derfor vil du flere steder i galleriet og A_Café_Downstairs møde retningslinjer og guidelines for, hvordan vi sammen kan holde afstand og passe godt på hinanden.


Myndighederne har genindført krav om brug af coronapas i Danmark. På Augustenborg_Project skal du derfor vise Coronapas, når du besøger:

  • Food_Project
  • Art_project
  • Konferencer og events med bespisning eller over 200 deltagere

Dit pas er gyldigt, når du enten er…

  • Vaccineret
  • Nyligt testet negativ
  • Immun efter smitte med COVID-19 påvist ved positiv PCR-test

For yderligere information henviser vi til CORONASMITTE.DK

  • Augustenborg_Project følger alle myndighedernes anbefalinger og retningslinjer.
  • Håndsprit er frit tilgængeligt over hele Projectet
  • Hold venligst den nødvendige afstand til andre gæster og personale.
  • Vi opfordrer gæster med Covid-19 symptomer til at lade sig teste og ikke besøge Projectet.


Der kan foretages gratis PCR-test og kviktest i Sønderborg. Du finder adresse og åbningstid på nedenstående link:


I A_Suites er det muligt at bo i din helt private ferielejlighed. Bygningen ligger separat fra galleri og café, hvor det er påkrævet at fremvise gyldigt coronapas eller negativ PCR test.
Rengøring er i højsæde i vores smukke suiter og vi sørger naturligvis for at alt er desinficeret så alle gæster kan føle sig trygge og hjemme under deres ophold.
Hver lejlighed er min. 75 kvm hvoraf den største, Safir, er på hele 154kvm og alle er udstyret med fuldt køkken, hvilket giver dig som gæst en frihed til at føle dig helt hjemme og ikke nødsaget til at skulle ud blandt andre gæster i løbet af dit ophold.
‘Din’ have vil under dit besøg være vores skønne park, så der er god plads til at nyde den friske luft og skønne naturomgivelser.
Det er muligt at få morgenmaden bragt til døren, så man kan slappe helt af og nyde sin ferie.

Vi gør altid vores ypperste for at nedbringe smitten og passe bedst muligt på vores gæster og personale.