

After Nobody’s Dream, Francesco Pirazzi’s 2021 solo exhibition at Augustenborg_Project, which presented over twenty paintings, the artist returns to the source of his inspiration. The Als landscape, which he contemplated over the course of his 2021 residency, became so dear to Pirazzi that he produced multiple studies and sketches, the basis of the paintings now on display.

Somewhere Else is a cycle of new works, all having as their subject outdoor scenes around Augustenborg: a localized ‘somewhere’ that never ceases to surprise Pirazzi, deeply feeding his research and poetics.

While drawing on his inspiration in Denmark, the artist also tells us about other places, other unexplored geographies, which slowly become familiar thanks to the light and shadow he offers us as indispensable tools for reading. In fact, the study of light is the central subject of his paintings, changing quickly, disappearing, bringing with it the beauty which made Pirazzi belong to that place and that moment.

The artist seems to be the only witness to what is happening, the privileged visitor to a mysterious garden, who attempts to accompany us silently among these scenes of almost suspended contemplation. Although the themes are void of human presence, there is no nostalgic attempt at narrative. We can still feel the warmth of a body that has just left the scene, giving way to objects discharged of a functional meaning, surfaces eaten by light and spat out by shadow.

The surprise in visiting this exhibition will eventually be to recognize that both the artist and we ourselves are measures of those landscapes, changing our point of view and detaching ourselves for a moment makes us belong again to a universal dimension.

Francesco Pirazzi, b. 1994, Veroli (Italy) graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts of Florence, at the Painting School of the Master Adriano Bimbi in 2018. Francesco’s work has been shown, among others, at The Cob Gallery and The Artist Room (London); The Hole Gallery (New York); Galeria d’arte Nonato Oliveira (Brazil); Castello di Grotti (Italy); Foyer del Teatro Giacomo Puccini (Italy), Museo Civico Archeologico (Fiesole). Francesco lives and works in Florence.


Som gæst i Augustenborg_Project er er din sundhed og sikkerhed i højsædet og vi følger således alle retningslinjer og anbefalinger i forhold til forebyggelse af Covid-19. Derfor vil du flere steder i galleriet og A_Café_Downstairs møde retningslinjer og guidelines for, hvordan vi sammen kan holde afstand og passe godt på hinanden.


Myndighederne har genindført krav om brug af coronapas i Danmark. På Augustenborg_Project skal du derfor vise Coronapas, når du besøger:

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  • Art_project
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  • Vaccineret
  • Nyligt testet negativ
  • Immun efter smitte med COVID-19 påvist ved positiv PCR-test

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  • Augustenborg_Project følger alle myndighedernes anbefalinger og retningslinjer.
  • Håndsprit er frit tilgængeligt over hele Projectet
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  • Vi opfordrer gæster med Covid-19 symptomer til at lade sig teste og ikke besøge Projectet.


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I A_Suites er det muligt at bo i din helt private ferielejlighed. Bygningen ligger separat fra galleri og café, hvor det er påkrævet at fremvise gyldigt coronapas eller negativ PCR test.
Rengøring er i højsæde i vores smukke suiter og vi sørger naturligvis for at alt er desinficeret så alle gæster kan føle sig trygge og hjemme under deres ophold.
Hver lejlighed er min. 75 kvm hvoraf den største, Safir, er på hele 154kvm og alle er udstyret med fuldt køkken, hvilket giver dig som gæst en frihed til at føle dig helt hjemme og ikke nødsaget til at skulle ud blandt andre gæster i løbet af dit ophold.
‘Din’ have vil under dit besøg være vores skønne park, så der er god plads til at nyde den friske luft og skønne naturomgivelser.
Det er muligt at få morgenmaden bragt til døren, så man kan slappe helt af og nyde sin ferie.

Vi gør altid vores ypperste for at nedbringe smitten og passe bedst muligt på vores gæster og personale.