FENCES_ René Sascha Johannsen
René Sascha Johannsen Solo Exhibition // Opening hours Wed-Friday 11-16 and Sat-Sun 11-17 Special Guest Opening and Press Preview: 19th March 2022 14.00 – 17.00 Augustenborg_Project is proud to present FENCES – an exhibition of still photography and short film through which René Sascha Johannsen explores the triumph of the human spirit over the limitations of the physical […]
Julen Kommer til Augustenborg_Christmas is coming to Augustenborg
Jane Olsen fra café Emma’s, Mette Henriksen fra Augustenborg_Food_Project og Jytte Urban fra Hertugbyens Bevaringsforening har inviteret Julemanden til Augustenborg. Klokken 15.30 kommer julemanden og hele vejen gennem ‘gågaden’ op til parken, hvor Juletræet tændes og der deles godter ud. Et 5-meter højt Juletræ kommer til parken foran Augustenborg_Project, som byens borgere og børn har […]
En autentisk horror-fortællingVi byder jer indenfor på det gamle psykiatriske hospital i Augustenborg, hvor I vil have mulighed for at vandre igennem hospitalets mange gange og værelser. Undervejs vil I støde på 9 rædselsrum, hvori skuespillere og andre installationer vil fortælle historier og sprede gys, samt indrage jer i stedets uhyggelige fortælling. En af de […]
Niels Reumert – Wild Animal a retrospective
No one confronts his demons as kindly as Niels Reumert does, remarked an art collector during the artist’s exhibition in London in 2010. Niels Reumert’s career spans five decades in which he has explored his demons unapologetically, in a way so few of us dare to do. This is perhaps one of the reasons why […]
Sapphire is a regal colour, believed to bring wealth, abundance, gifts and blessings. In some cultures, blue sapphire is considered celestial, having a divine connection. We hope that the deep blues of our Sapphire suite will bring all these wonderful things to you and that you get sublime rest and inspiration. Sapphire is our largest […]
Emerald is the stone of truth and love. This beautiful stone evokes nature and, like nature, it brings hope, renewal and harmony. We hope the calming green of our Emerald suite will let you relax and recharge. Emerald is a two-bedroom suite, with a New York-style shower, an open plan kitchen-dining and sitting room. Emerald […]
The figurative is the focal point of Jeppe Nedergaard’s art but the works have more than the obvious in common. The physical characters are in dialogue with an invisible guest. The void seems enormous and communication takes place in silence. More happens between the lines, between the silence. “When you grow up in a home […]
Amethyst is the stone of trust and grace. The purple notes are regal and they are believed to enhance intuition and bring about creativity and inspiration. We hope this rich vibrant colour will make your stay an inspiring one. Amethyst is located on the upper floor of the building and overlooks the park. It has […]
The red ruby symbolizes passion, nobility and purity all at the same time. Ruby is a protective stone which brings happiness and passion. We hope our Ruby suite will make your stay magical. The Ruby suite is located on the upper floor of the building and overlooks the park. It has one large bedroom, a […]
Francesco Pirazzi’s solo – Nobody’s Dream
Augustenborg Project has invited Italian painter Francesco Pirazzi for the art space’s inaugural solo exhibition titled Nobody’s Dream with a selection of over 20 works created between 2018 and 2020. Inspired by the mystery of light, Francesco’s works evoke a silence, mystery, presence and absence in which the precious, fleeting, fascinating and even indecipherable are […]