“Art for me is a form of resistance. Having no activist inclinations, I often act in the territory of politicized art. I want art to arise from the tension between my work and the viewer’s perception and not let him or her go like a bare wire accidentally grasped.”

Born in 1983 in Moscow, Russia. Lives and works in Paris, France. In 2013, Prokofiev graduated from the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA), Moscow. In 2022 he received the Charlottenborg Spring Exhibition Solo Award, Denmark. In mid-2022 he became an artist in exile because of his stance against Russia’s full-scale military invasion of Ukraine. Prokofiev is a participant and curator of exhibitions in Russia, Italy, Austria, Sweden, Hungary, Poland, Norway and Denmark. His current work includes graphics, sculpture and installations.

During the winter of 2023, I was working at the Augustenborg_Project residency on a project about the war that Russia started against Ukraine. In the summer, I continued to do this and focused on graphic series dedicated to the work of memory and coping mechanisms. In the first months of Russia’s full-scale military invasion of Ukraine, I directly reproduced its horror. Over time, symbols of nature began to appear in my sculptures. This marked the work of the coping mechanism in front of the media flow, which I constantly passed through myself and continue to do so to this day.

The war continues, but I feel that I am moving away from what is happening. I resist it and keep going. After all, if I can’t influence the situation directly, I can at least testify. Must testify.

“Art for me is a form of research and plastic experiment. I lead my viewers through the field where anthropology and sculptural form intersect, pointing out significant things without interfering with finding something of their own in it.”

Born in Zelenograd, Russia. Lives and works in Paris, France. After receiving her IT degree, Sukhareva-Morozova graduated from the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA), Moscow in 2020. Participant in exhibitions in Russia, France, Italy, Sweden. Sukhareva-Morozova’s current work includes sculpture, installations and photography.

How to make a project about a crowd without morality?

How to identify sore spots, without manipulating the viewer?

My project focuses on indoctrination and a chance for freedom of choice. One definition of “indoctrination” is “teaching someone doctrine without developing critical perception.” The main difference between indoctrination and learning is that indoctrination describes an object as a subject, while learning suggests viewing something dispassionately and, literally, objectively.

In my art I often use the technique of duplication. And this time I also want to use it. Because what better way to talk about the crowd, if not through a multitude of objects?


Som gæst i Augustenborg_Project er er din sundhed og sikkerhed i højsædet og vi følger således alle retningslinjer og anbefalinger i forhold til forebyggelse af Covid-19. Derfor vil du flere steder i galleriet og A_Café_Downstairs møde retningslinjer og guidelines for, hvordan vi sammen kan holde afstand og passe godt på hinanden.


Myndighederne har genindført krav om brug af coronapas i Danmark. På Augustenborg_Project skal du derfor vise Coronapas, når du besøger:

  • Food_Project
  • Art_project
  • Konferencer og events med bespisning eller over 200 deltagere

Dit pas er gyldigt, når du enten er…

  • Vaccineret
  • Nyligt testet negativ
  • Immun efter smitte med COVID-19 påvist ved positiv PCR-test

For yderligere information henviser vi til CORONASMITTE.DK

  • Augustenborg_Project følger alle myndighedernes anbefalinger og retningslinjer.
  • Håndsprit er frit tilgængeligt over hele Projectet
  • Hold venligst den nødvendige afstand til andre gæster og personale.
  • Vi opfordrer gæster med Covid-19 symptomer til at lade sig teste og ikke besøge Projectet.


Der kan foretages gratis PCR-test og kviktest i Sønderborg. Du finder adresse og åbningstid på nedenstående link:


I A_Suites er det muligt at bo i din helt private ferielejlighed. Bygningen ligger separat fra galleri og café, hvor det er påkrævet at fremvise gyldigt coronapas eller negativ PCR test.
Rengøring er i højsæde i vores smukke suiter og vi sørger naturligvis for at alt er desinficeret så alle gæster kan føle sig trygge og hjemme under deres ophold.
Hver lejlighed er min. 75 kvm hvoraf den største, Safir, er på hele 154kvm og alle er udstyret med fuldt køkken, hvilket giver dig som gæst en frihed til at føle dig helt hjemme og ikke nødsaget til at skulle ud blandt andre gæster i løbet af dit ophold.
‘Din’ have vil under dit besøg være vores skønne park, så der er god plads til at nyde den friske luft og skønne naturomgivelser.
Det er muligt at få morgenmaden bragt til døren, så man kan slappe helt af og nyde sin ferie.

Vi gør altid vores ypperste for at nedbringe smitten og passe bedst muligt på vores gæster og personale.