The Gem Suites at Augustenborg_Project are inspired by the history of the area and the neighbouring Augustenborg Castle with which we share grounds. We have chosen four noble stones and decorated each apartment in style: Sapphire, Emerald, Amethyst and Ruby.


Sapphire is a regal colour, believed to bring wealth, abundance, gifts and blessings. In some cultures, blue sapphire is considered celestial, having a divine connection. We hope that the deep blues of our Sapphire suite will bring all these wonderful things to you and that you get sublime rest and inspiration. Sapphire is our largest suite, comprising two large bedrooms, one of which has an en suite bathroom, a kitchen with dining room and a sitting room. It also enjoys a wide South-facing terrace overlooking our park.   Amenities: Comfortable beds with satin finish BALANCE bed linen produced from 100%


Emerald is the stone of truth and love. This beautiful stone evokes nature and, like nature, it brings hope, renewal and harmony. We hope the calming green of our Emerald suite will let you relax and recharge. Emerald is a two-bedroom suite, with a New York-style shower, an open plan kitchen-dining and sitting room. Emerald enjoys an East-facing terrace overlooking the lawn. Amenities: Comfortable beds with satin finish BALANCE bed linen produced from 100% organic and certified cotton that meets the international GOTS (strict, controlled environmental requirements) standard. Furthermore, the textiles bear the Fair Trade label, which ensures the


Amethyst is the stone of trust and grace. The purple notes are regal and they are believed to enhance intuition and bring about creativity and inspiration. We hope this rich vibrant colour will make your stay an inspiring one.  Amethyst is located on the upper floor of the building and overlooks the park. It has one bedroom, a bathroom and an open plan kitchen-dining-sitting area.    Amenities: Comfortable beds with satin finish BALANCE bed linen produced from 100% organic and certified cotton that meets the international GOTS (strict, controlled environmental requirements) standard. Furthermore, the textiles bear the Fair Trade


The red ruby symbolizes passion, nobility and purity all at the same time. Ruby is a protective stone which brings happiness and passion. We hope our Ruby suite will make your stay magical. The Ruby suite is located on the upper floor of the building and overlooks the park. It has one large bedroom, a second bedroom with a cove double bed, a bathroom with New York style shower and an open plan kitchen-dining-sitting area.   Amenities: Comfortable beds with satin finish BALANCE bed linen produced from 100% organic and certified cotton that meets the international GOTS (strict, controlled


Som gæst i Augustenborg_Project er er din sundhed og sikkerhed i højsædet og vi følger således alle retningslinjer og anbefalinger i forhold til forebyggelse af Covid-19. Derfor vil du flere steder i galleriet og A_Café_Downstairs møde retningslinjer og guidelines for, hvordan vi sammen kan holde afstand og passe godt på hinanden.


Myndighederne har genindført krav om brug af coronapas i Danmark. På Augustenborg_Project skal du derfor vise Coronapas, når du besøger:

  • Food_Project
  • Art_project
  • Konferencer og events med bespisning eller over 200 deltagere

Dit pas er gyldigt, når du enten er…

  • Vaccineret
  • Nyligt testet negativ
  • Immun efter smitte med COVID-19 påvist ved positiv PCR-test

For yderligere information henviser vi til CORONASMITTE.DK

  • Augustenborg_Project følger alle myndighedernes anbefalinger og retningslinjer.
  • Håndsprit er frit tilgængeligt over hele Projectet
  • Hold venligst den nødvendige afstand til andre gæster og personale.
  • Vi opfordrer gæster med Covid-19 symptomer til at lade sig teste og ikke besøge Projectet.


Der kan foretages gratis PCR-test og kviktest i Sønderborg. Du finder adresse og åbningstid på nedenstående link:


I A_Suites er det muligt at bo i din helt private ferielejlighed. Bygningen ligger separat fra galleri og café, hvor det er påkrævet at fremvise gyldigt coronapas eller negativ PCR test.
Rengøring er i højsæde i vores smukke suiter og vi sørger naturligvis for at alt er desinficeret så alle gæster kan føle sig trygge og hjemme under deres ophold.
Hver lejlighed er min. 75 kvm hvoraf den største, Safir, er på hele 154kvm og alle er udstyret med fuldt køkken, hvilket giver dig som gæst en frihed til at føle dig helt hjemme og ikke nødsaget til at skulle ud blandt andre gæster i løbet af dit ophold.
‘Din’ have vil under dit besøg være vores skønne park, så der er god plads til at nyde den friske luft og skønne naturomgivelser.
Det er muligt at få morgenmaden bragt til døren, så man kan slappe helt af og nyde sin ferie.

Vi gør altid vores ypperste for at nedbringe smitten og passe bedst muligt på vores gæster og personale.