
JULIEN_Deiss: Augustenborg/Spaces In-Between and JONAS_Pihl: The Space Behind the Space

31 May – 31 October 2024

We are excited that the talented Julien Deiss and Jonas Pihl have been selected for this year’s Artsy Pop-up by Egelund at Augustenborg_Project. Julien Deiss and Jonas Pihl represent the latest evolutions of contemporary painting, pushing the boundaries of the medium while finding ways to create meaning beyond the pure abstract art of the late 20th century.

Julien Deiss (b. 1983 Düsseldorf, Germany) reinterprets neoclassical sculpture, combining the classic artistic discipline of the study with dynamic abstract textures, layers and effects. Rendered in zesty neons and delicate pastels, the familiar faces of Greek gods and heroes are stitched together with canvases filled with rough abstract marks and colourful washes using course stitches, breaking the traditional flatness of the picture plane. His contribution to this summer’s Artsy Pop-up, Augustenborg/Mellemrum (Augustenborg/Spaces In-Between) is an exhibition that intertwines the timeless philosophies of Friedrich Schiller expressed in his letters to Duke Frederik Christian II of Augustenborg with contemporary artistic exploration. The works capture the essence of both Augustenborg and Copenhagen, reflecting Schiller’s ideas on beauty, human nature, and the aesthetic state. The project bridges past and future, with pieces inspired by archaeological discoveries and the transformative power of art. Through this exhibition, viewers are invited to contemplate the enduring connection between ancient wisdom and future aspirations, experiencing the cyclical nature of time and the visionary power of human creativity.

Jonas Pihl (b. 1978 Køge, Denmark) creates imaginative worlds full of deeply meaningful details. Inspired by the overlap between the spiritual and the mathematical coherence of the universe, his vivid yet moody canvases combine the geometrical accuracy of perspective with the dynamic randomness of the medium of acrylic pouring. Fantastical creatures and sculptural architectural constructions inhabit his canvases, allowing the viewer to always uncover new details. In his contribution to this summer’s Artsy Pop-up, Rummet Bag Ved Rummet, (The Space Behind the Space), the fancifulness of Jonas Pihl’s works speaks to the history of our buildings. Augustenborg_Project is located in the former psychiatric hospital of Augustenborg, and in The Space Behind the Space, Jonas Pihl explores the individuality of the inner landscape. New and unknown dimensions expand on his canvases, warping the familiarity of space, and reminding us that there are many other ways of viewing the world than the ones we are most used to.  

– Henriette Haraldsdal

This summer’s Artsy Pop-up by Egelund can be experienced in the historical buildings at Augustenborg_Project at Palævej 9A, 6440 Augustenborg, from 31 May – 31 October 2024.  

If you are interested in acquiring the works, please refer to the online catalogue and price list in the link here: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0320/7713/files/Jonas_Pihl_and_Julien_Deiss_Augustenborg.pdf?v=1716642550


Som gæst i Augustenborg_Project er er din sundhed og sikkerhed i højsædet og vi følger således alle retningslinjer og anbefalinger i forhold til forebyggelse af Covid-19. Derfor vil du flere steder i galleriet og A_Café_Downstairs møde retningslinjer og guidelines for, hvordan vi sammen kan holde afstand og passe godt på hinanden.


Myndighederne har genindført krav om brug af coronapas i Danmark. På Augustenborg_Project skal du derfor vise Coronapas, når du besøger:

  • Food_Project
  • Art_project
  • Konferencer og events med bespisning eller over 200 deltagere

Dit pas er gyldigt, når du enten er…

  • Vaccineret
  • Nyligt testet negativ
  • Immun efter smitte med COVID-19 påvist ved positiv PCR-test

For yderligere information henviser vi til CORONASMITTE.DK

  • Augustenborg_Project følger alle myndighedernes anbefalinger og retningslinjer.
  • Håndsprit er frit tilgængeligt over hele Projectet
  • Hold venligst den nødvendige afstand til andre gæster og personale.
  • Vi opfordrer gæster med Covid-19 symptomer til at lade sig teste og ikke besøge Projectet.


Der kan foretages gratis PCR-test og kviktest i Sønderborg. Du finder adresse og åbningstid på nedenstående link:


I A_Suites er det muligt at bo i din helt private ferielejlighed. Bygningen ligger separat fra galleri og café, hvor det er påkrævet at fremvise gyldigt coronapas eller negativ PCR test.
Rengøring er i højsæde i vores smukke suiter og vi sørger naturligvis for at alt er desinficeret så alle gæster kan føle sig trygge og hjemme under deres ophold.
Hver lejlighed er min. 75 kvm hvoraf den største, Safir, er på hele 154kvm og alle er udstyret med fuldt køkken, hvilket giver dig som gæst en frihed til at føle dig helt hjemme og ikke nødsaget til at skulle ud blandt andre gæster i løbet af dit ophold.
‘Din’ have vil under dit besøg være vores skønne park, så der er god plads til at nyde den friske luft og skønne naturomgivelser.
Det er muligt at få morgenmaden bragt til døren, så man kan slappe helt af og nyde sin ferie.

Vi gør altid vores ypperste for at nedbringe smitten og passe bedst muligt på vores gæster og personale.